VisumPro charges, besides shipping- and consular fees for visa-applications and legalizations, service- and (if applicable) rushfees.
Below you'll find a summary of these fees.
The regular servicefeesThe regular servicefee for visa-applications amounts to € 67,50 (excl. VAT) per visa. The regular servicefee for legalizations amounts to € 47,50 (excl. VAT) per authority or consulate attended. N.B.: for consulates and authorities outside of The Hague different servicefees apply. For a small number of consulates an additional servicefee is applied. After selection of the appropriate visa or preferred legalization at step 2 of the selection-trajectory, the applied servicefee will be shown. |
RushfeesAt step 2 of the selection-trajectories the available options in length of application will be shown. Whether, besides the servicefee, a rushfee is applicable, will be shown after selection of the appropriate visa or preferred legalization. In some cases VisumPro can offer an even shorter length of application. For the possibilities and corresponding rushfees you can contact VisumPro.